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Monday Morning Meeting Demos

Kevin and Lauren started off our weekly Monday morning meeting with a slime demonstration. We kicked off our day by making two ingredient slime piles.

André and Robert gave our Monday morning meetings a different start today by getting our creative ideas flowing.
They introduced a unique routine that Robert does everyday to help turn his ideas into a reality. We took 10 minutes to just write down whatever we want to manifest. It could be a drawing, a sentence, a list, anything that began the process to create a successful outcome.

Joe & Stephanie introduced us to one of their favorite Nintendo switch games, Tee K.O. Our day got started by pairing up to design innovative t-shirts.

Lucas and Maggie showed us a cool way to fold shirts in two seconds at our Monday morning meeting. The next technique is pushing our fulfillment to the next level.
Learn how: http://bit.ly/2TZmfLt
Let us know how well you were able to pick up the technique!
Cat and Jessica introduced origami into our Monday morning meeting. We made whales & gave them some facial features that reflect the Rowboat Collective.

Our Monday morning meetings got a little interesting today when Jorge & Lindsay introduced us to the marshmallow challenge.
We attempted the challenge & discussed how to apply the obstacles to our day to day lives.
The challenge was first introduced in a TED talk: http://bit.ly/2FZNVG3

James & Jason showed us how to approach creative thinking during overwhelming situations. The Rowboat staff had to draw a photo of a glass pig, but it was timed. We were able to see how we approached critical thinking in our creative process during overwhelming situations.

Josh & Patrick brought some mystery cookies to our Monday morning meeting to push us to try new & unique things in the City. We had compost cookies & corn cookies!